TCG - definição. O que é TCG. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é TCG - definição

Tcg; TCG (disambiguation)

Geocentric Coordinate Time         
Geocentric Coordinate Time (TCG - Temps-coordonnée géocentrique) is a coordinate time standard intended to be used as the independent variable of time for all calculations pertaining to precession, nutation, the Moon, and artificial satellites of the Earth. It is equivalent to the proper time experienced by a clock at rest in a coordinate frame co-moving with the center of the Earth: that is, a clock that performs exactly the same movements as the Earth but is outside the Earth's gravity well.
Technical Chamber of Greece         
The Technical Chamber of Greece () (TEE-TCG) is the Greek professional organization that serves as the official technical advisor of the Greek state and is responsible for awarding professional licences to all practicing engineers in Greece. It is a public legal entity with elected administration, supervised by the Hellenic Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works.
TCG Kınalıada         
TCG Kınalıada (F-514); TCG Kinaliada (F-514); TCG Kinaliada; TCG Kınalıada (F 514)
TCG Kınalıada (F-514) is the fourth ship of the ASW corvettes of the Turkish Navy. Kınalıada was named after Kınalıada Island, a part of the Princes' Islands archipelago in the Sea of Marmara, to the southeast of Istanbul, Turkey.



TCG may refer to:

Exemplos do corpo de texto para TCG
1. "TCG did not play any such role, and we regret that the TCG–prepared document you referenced incorrectly states this," Tyrer said in an e–mail.
2. Following Pentagon predecessors such as Carlucci and William Perry into the investment arena, Cohen in 2004 established TCG Financial Partners to work on defense industry mergers and acquisitions.
3. Free night, big response Each year, 32 million people attend nonprofit theaters, according to TCG, but companies see a deeper well of potential theatergoers out there.
4. To change that impression, TCG is launching its "Theater Is Alive" initiative with a free night of theater in Philadelphia, Austin, and San Francisco on Oct. 20.
5. He talked about raising a $300 million fund . But TCG Financial Partners recently vanished from the Cohen Group‘s Web site, and Tyrer said it is "kind of in a reconstituting mode." The Cohen Group maintains an alliance with an international law firm, and it is preparing to open an office in Beijing.